How To Start Blogging For Free

How To Start Blogging For Free
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Friday 14 August 2020

Many people want to start blogging but cannot do because they do not have knowledge. Today I will tell you how to start blogging for free in blogger. 

First, you have to log in to your blogger account. For that, you have a Gmail account. 

Then tell it how you want to be called in the blogger. 

The third step is to define a Title to your blog. 

Now you will need to add an address. So, the address is the URL of your website. 

Congratulations your blog is ready.

Now you can post articles and that will be published on google.

While writing articles make sure your articles are free from grammatical and spelling mistakes. 

Never copy someone else's content because if that person visits your blog and sees that you have copied then a report can be filed and your blog will be removed. If you copy then give the credit in an attribution widget.     

Make sure you are giving some nice content to the reader. 

All The Best For being a budding blogger.

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Hello! I am Mohammad Akmal, I am a student blogger. I blog consistently for you. Your support to my articles has been great.